Antimicrobial activity of marine fungi pdf

The degree of enzymatic activity did not necessarily correlate with the amino nitrogen content of the filtrates. Marine actinomycetes, antimicrobial activity, bioactive compounds, characterization. Biodiversity and antimicrobial activity of antarctic fungi. Marine fungi have been isolated mainly from substrates that support their growth. A total of 44 samples were collected during the antarctic expeditions from soil, sediments, terrestrial and marine waters and pieces of wood that had been brought into antarctica. About 17 8095% endophytic fungi showed activity against one or more bacteria, and 14 6667% endophytic fungi exhibited activity against one or more fungal pathogens.

The most common and most important use of antimicrobial coatings has been in the healthcare setting for sterilization of. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing. Obligate marine fungi grow exclusively in the marine habitat while wholly or sporadically submerged in sea water. Arts college, sivagangai 630 561, tamilnadu, india.

Antimicrobial activities of marine fungi from malaysia semantic. Rm42 had broad spectral antimicrobial activity, and. Introduction the biodiversity of marine environment proved to be an important resource for isolation of potent microorganisms to produce. A total of 7 were active towards vibrio parahaemolyticus and 55 towards staphylococcus aureus, representing 18 different fungal species from 8 ascomycetous genera. A study on biological activity of marine fungi from different habitats in.

Antarctica, and the screening of their ability to produce antimicrobial compounds. A total of 18 fungi were obtained from marine sponge p. Xin lin the key laboratory of ministry of education of cell biology and tumor engineering, school of life science, xiamen university, xiamen 361005, pr china. Either broth or agar dilution method may be used to quantitatively measure the in vitro antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. Antimicrobial activity of selected medicinal plants against some selected human pathogenic bacteria selvamohan t. Antibacterial activity symbiotic fungi of marine sponge. The fungi were secured from animals, plants and sediments of venezuelan waters 010 m including mangroves and lagoonal areas. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and identification of. Screening for antimicrobial activity of fungi in soil samples collected from kubah national park samuel lihan. The semisynthetic modifications of marinebased bioactive compounds produce their new derivatives, structural analogs and mimetics that could serve as novel lead compounds against resistant pathogens. Marine environment, secondary metabolites, biological activities. Fungi associated with marine sponge haliclona fascigera has shown a promising source in the search for new antimicrobial compounds. Marine organisms are an important source of natural products hill 2006. Isolation and characterization of marine antagonistic actinomycetes from west coast of india 15 both e.

The most important substrate for bioprospecting of ligninolytic enzymes in the marine environment is the mangrove by searching lignicolous marine fungi fungi that live in dead wood, leaves, or sticks, or organic debris. The idea of antimicrobial compound from naturalsources hasmainlyconcentratedin recent year for the treatmentofhuman diseases. Introduction terrestrial endophytic fungi found on leaves, stems, and roots of mangrove were more numerous than marine fungi latha and mitra 1998. Antimicrobial activity of marine bacteria associated with sponges from the waters off the coast of south east india. Gelatinase activity was detectable in the culture filtrates of of 14 species of marine fungi tested. In fungi, the highest activity was in bacillus flexus rm1 against aspergillus niger 18 mm and cryptococcus neoformans 18 mm and the lowest activity was noticed against mucor racemosus 10 mm and rhizopus arrhizus 10 mm. Antibacterial activity of marinederived fungi springerlink. In the search for bioactive compounds, 11 fungal strains were isolated from indonesian marine habitats.

A total of 227 marine isolates of ubiqituous fungi were cultivated on different media and the secondary metabolite content of the extracts ethyl acetatechloroformmethanol 3. A total of 16 morphospecies of marinederived fungi mdf were isolated from four host macroalgae and two seagrasses and identified as belonging to the genera aspergillus, fusarium, paecilomyces, penicillium, sclerotinia, thamnidium and trichoderma, including five mycelia sterilia. Antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi isolated and. Its subdisciplines are virology study of viruses, bacteriology study of bacteria, mycology study of fungi, phycology study of algae and protozoology study of. The test of antimicrobial activity was done by using agar diffusion method. Shibila selva kishore research centre, department of zoology, r. This research is a first report which studied sponge associated fungi and its antimicrobial activity from pandang island, north sumatera, indonesia. Exploring the antibacterial and antifungal potential of. Of the 46 fungal isolates, 70 % inhibited the growth of at least 1 target bacterial species.

The antibacterial and antifungal compounds from marine fungi have quickly increased since 2010, and marine fungi have been an important source of antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Hence, this study is carried out to identify four marine fungi isolates from pulau payar and pulau redang marine. Primary screening for antimicrobial activity was done by. Exploring the antibacterial and antifungal potential of jellyfishassociated marine fungi by cultivationdependent approaches. Taken together, these data indicate that marine fungi are a good source of natural antibacterial and antifungal compounds. To isolate and identify of marine fungal metabolites against clinical. Antimicrobial activities for curcumin and rhizome extract of c. On average, more than one new compound with antibacterial and antifungal activities could be isolated from one fungal strai n. Pdf marine fungi have become an important source of bioactive natural products. So, the present study was focussed on potentiality of gaps1 and gaps2 against standard antibiotic tetracycline by their.

Antimicrobial secondary metabolites from marine fungi. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of endophytic fungi. From the results it was found that bacteria have great potential for the production of enzymes and antimicrobial compounds. Most of the 105 marine fungi with antibacterial or antifungal compounds were identified, and approximately 50% of them were identified based on their dna sequence. Pdf antagonistic antimicrobial activity of marine fungi. The identification of bioactive fungi isolates was done by comparing its macroscopic and microscopic characteristic base on literature. Secondary metabolites are the chemical compounds that are. Pdf antibacterial activity of marine fungi against. Antibacterial and antifungal compounds from marine fungi mdpi.

Diversity and antimicrobial activity of culturable fungi isolated from six species of the south china sea gorgonians. The antimicrobial activity of 21 endophytic fungi was tested and shown in table 4. Antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi isolated and identified from salt marsh plant in vellar estuary indira kalyanasundaram, jayaprabha nagamuthu and srinivasan muthukumaraswamy centre of advanced study in marine biology, faculty of marine sciences, annamalai university, parangipettai 608 502, tamil nadu, india. Retesting the two compounds separately, they showed no activity which confirmed the synergistic antibacterial effect of the two compounds together. In view of that, the presentinvestigation was made to screen the bio active substancesfrom marine cyanobacteria. Methods for in vitro evaluating antimicrobial activity. Marine bacteria and fungi as promising source for new. In preliminary experiments, the plug assay method was employed to screen 152 strains. Pdf antimicrobial activity of marine fungi isolated from the son tra. Eight of the filtrates contained measurable quantities of. Marine fungi, culture media, artificial sea water, aspergillus sp. The new methods used to isolate marine fungi that possess antibacterial or antifungal activities as well as the relationship between structure and. Antimicrobial activity screening of endophytic fungi.

Facultative marine fungi normally occupy terrestrial or freshwater habitats, but are capable of living or even sporulating in a marine habitat. Sa7, sb11, sc3 and sc11 exhibited antimicrobial activity against both bacteria and fungi. Using bioassayguided fractionation, we isolated and characterized a 22membered cyclic lactone, lobophorolide 1, of presumed polyketide origin, with sub. Antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi from marine. The dominant genera in the marine fungi producing antibacterial and antimicrobial compounds were the aspergillus genus 31 strains and the penicillium genus 16 strains. According to the antimicrobial screening of marine fungal extracts from four literature reports 7,8,9,10, 38%59% of the test extracts from marine fungi exhibited antibacterial or antifungal activities. Such surfaces are becoming more widely investigated for possible use in various settings including clinics, industry, and even the home. The aims of this research were to identify yellow pigmented indonesian marine spongeassociated fungi, to extract the pigment, and to study the antimicrobial activity of the pigment against clinical mdr bacteria and clinical pathogenic fungi.

Characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Identification of marine fungi with antibacterial activity. Cytotoxic and antimicrobial metabolites from marine. The occurrence and bioactivities of marinederived fungi are evaluated in this paper. Antimicrobial activities of marine fungi from malaysia. The taxonomic information, the screening of antimicrobial activity for the extracts from marine fungi, the analysis of the genes related to secondary metabolism and the comparison of the chemical profiles with the literature can contribute to the screening of special fungal strains.

Kodzius r, gojobori t 2015 marine metagenomics as a source for. Diversity and antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi. M activity against pathogenic and saprophytic marine fungi. Ethyl acetate extracts of their culture broth were tested for cytotoxic activity against a urinary bladder carcinoma cell line and for antifungal and antibacterial activities against fish and human pathogenic bacteria as well as against plant and human pathogenic fungi. Abstract in a systematic screening effort, extracts of marine fungi from malaysia were investigated for antimicrobial activity and potentially active secondary. Antimicrobial activity of five yemeni medicinal plants.

All three compounds were assessed for antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobial metabolites from marine microorganisms. West sumatera, indonesia, has a high species diversity of marine algae but there are only a few reports on the screening of west sumatran marine algaederived fungi for antibacterial and antifungal activities. In the present work, we have studied the biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using cladosporium cladosporioides and its antioxidant as well as antimicrobial activity.

Of these, 82 exhibited biological activity, with most of the active strains 90. Pdf the marine environment is a tremendous source of natural products. Exploring the antimicrobial potential of local marine fungi. In vitro antibacterial activity of marinederived fungi isolated from. Antibacterial and antifungal compounds from marine fungi. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and identification of yellow pigmented marine spongeassociated fungi from teluk awur, jepara, central java. Plates containing pda without antibiotic supplement were seeded. Cytotoxic and antimicrobial metabolites from marine lignicolous fungi, diaporthe sp. Several reports have appeared on the characterization of the antimicrobial activity of marine macroorganisms. Since marine flora such as marine endophytic fungi contain myriads of bioactive molecules, the scientific community is focusing attention on them for various studies. The present study was concerned with the screening of. Antimicrobial and inos inhibitory activities of the. Pdf in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity of.

Marine fungi are the potential and promising sources for biologically active secondary. The emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance, as well as the evolution of new strains of disease causing agents, are of great concern to the global health community. Unfortunatelly there are lack of information about marine fungi natural pigment and its producer. Antimicrobial activity screening of symbiotic fungi from. The symbiotic fungi was cultured for 14 days on each media. Table 2 antibacterial activity of marine fungi zone of. Deterrent concentrations of 1 were found in 46 of 51 samples collected from 10 locations in the bahamas over a 4year period.

They are not a taxonomic group, but share a common habitat. Antimicrobial activity of this fungus was expected as the influence of the presence of nrps gene fragments. Antibacterial activity introduction the science dealing with the study of the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms is known as medical microbiology. Four diffe rent cyanobacteria were isolated from mallipattinam, southeast coast of india. The fungi were grown under conditions of submerged culture in a medium consisting of corn meal, soybean meal, and caco3. Marine fungal metabolites are bioactive compounds develop and inhibit the growth of microbial and clinical pathogens. Introduction infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses are still a major threat to public health, despite the tremendous progress in human medicine. Pdf isolation of a new natural product and cytotoxic and. Antimicrobial activity of marine bacteria associated with. Generally, they consist of those fungi with the ability to degrade fiber. In this paper were to measure antibacterial and antitumor cell activity for secondary metabolites of marine fungi, which were isolated from. Parks and to screen their antibacterial activities. Marine fungi are species of fungi that live in marine or estuarine environments. On the basis of these results, five marine fungi, fasciatisporanypae.

Isolation and characterization of marine fungal metabolites against. Antimicrobial activity of selected medicinal plants. The preliminary screening for antibacterial activity of marine derived fungi were carried out using a plug assay method,16, 48. Antimicrobial activity of secondary metabolites of fungi isolated from leaves of bush mango chioma nwakanma 1, njoku en2 and pharamat t 3 1department of environmental management and toxicology, michael okpara university of agriculture, umudike, abia state, nigeria 2department of biological sciences, godfrey okoye university, enugu state, nigeria 3faculty of science, chulalongkorn university. Nowadays, reports have indicated that many of healthcareassociated, antimicrobialresistant bacteria are not only multidrug resistant pathogens but also broadly drugresistant and pandrugresistant bacteria.

Spent culture extract of the 168 endophytic fungi isolated from a. Antimicrobial activity of secondary metabolites of fungi isolated from. Lignicolous fungi are an important group of marine fungi. We have isolated 25 endophytic fungi from the sponge, which were. The antagonistic interaction between marine fungi and marine bacteria was investigated using 19 bacterial species isolated from marine biofilm and 46 waterborne fungal isolates obtained from hong kong waters. Thus, a varied range of natural products of plant, fungi and lichen origin were tested against two bacterial species, staphylococcus aureus atcc 25923 and escherichia coli atcc 25922, by.

Investigation of bacteria with polyketide synthase genes. In the present study fungi were isolated from marine soil samples and serial dilution method was performed to isolate single colonies. Antimicrobial activities of marine fungi from malaysia antimicrobial activities of marine fungi from malaysia 20101201 00. Antimicrobial activity is also widespread among algae. Pdf antibacterial and antifungal compounds from marine fungi. The endophytic fungi are known as a source of abundant secondary metabolites. Zingiberaceae family and its polyphenolic compound curcumin have been subjected to a variety of antimicrobial investigations due to extensive traditional uses and low side effects. The antimicrobial activity was studied with all the 18 isolates. Antibacterial, cytotoxic and trypanocidal activities of.

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